Guide for Authors
   Dear participants, we have created a template for you to prepare your full-text papers.
  For full texts, the limit of 5000 words should not be exceeded (including author informations, tables,   figures, references etc.) All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review. 


Title (Bold, The first letter is large, Times New Roman, 14 Punto, Centered)


Name SURNAME*1, Name SURNAME2, Name SURNAMEN (Times New Roman, 13 punto, centered, Surnames are large letter)


1University, Faculty, Department, Country, e-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 10 punto, centered)

2University, Faculty, Department, Country, e-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 10 punto, centered)

nUniversity, Faculty, Department, Country, e-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 10 punto, centered)



Abstract :The abstract should be limited to 250 words and include the aim of the paper, general materials and methods, summarized results, and the conclusions. It should be a brief summary of the study.

Aim :This section should explain the aim of the study and  give  enough information about the  specific objectives and expected results.
Method:The model of the study, the procedures of sampling ,the design and methods of gathering data and type of control and data analising procedures should be explained. Methods section should be detailed and clear enough.
Findings:Here tables and figures to display summarized data and the gained or expected results are presented. 
Results And Suggestions: In this section results and key points of the study should be summarized and recommendations for future research and applications  should be included.
Limitation :
Practical Implications (If Aplicable ):
Social Impacts (If Aplicable):
Key Words: 

The key words (3 to 6) should be added. Times New Roman 12 pt Punto)

Introduction (Times New Roman, Bold, 12pt, Align Left)

Times New Roman, interlinear space 1nk

1. Literature (For this title; Times New Roman, Bold, 12pt, Align Left, lower case)

1.1. Subtitle

1.2. Subtitle

1.3. Hypotheses (if there is ...) / Research Questions

Write review and hypotheses here... Times New Roman, 12pt, justify and interlinear space 1nk

2. Methodology (For this title; Times New Roman, Kalın, Align Left, 12pt, lower case)

Write the research methodology here (Times New Roman, 12 pt, justify and interlinear space 1 nk)

2.1.Research Goal
2.2.Sample and Data Collection

3. Findings and Results (For this title; Times New Roman, bold, align left, 12pt, lower case)

4. Conclusions (For this title; Times New Roman, bold, align left, 12pt, lower case)

write the your conclusions here ...(12 pt, Times New Roman, Justify, interlinear space 1nk)

References (For this title; Times New Roman, bold, align left, 12pt, lower case, do not numbering)

The APA-6 referencing style must be used. (12 pt Times New Roman, interlinear space 1 nk)

Article in Journals:

Bramwell, B. (1998). User satisfaction and product development in urban tourism. Tourism Management, 19 (1), 35-47.


Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tahtam, R.L., & Black, W.C.(1998). Multivariate data analysis, Fifth Edition, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International Inc.

Article or Chapter in an edited book:

Taylor, S. & Fullerton, G. (2000). Waiting for service: Perceptions management of the wait experience. In Handbook of Service Marketing and Management, ed. Teresa A. Swartz and Dawn Iacobucci, Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage Publications, 171-189.

Thesis / Dissertation:

Tan, M.K. (2007). Antecedents and outcomes of employee empowerment: An empirical study of British managers (Doctoral dissertation), Cardiff University.


Lane, B. (1990). Sustaining host areas, holiday makers and operators alike. In F. Howie (ed.) The Proceedings of the Sustainable Tourism Development Conference (pp.1-18). Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh.


  • Symposium languages are Turkish and English.
  • Page limit is maximum 5000 words included title, abstract, figures, tables and references.
  • It must write on A4 page and interlinear space 1nk and in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text should justified with a 3,5 left margin and 2,5 cm right, top and bottom margins.
  • In text, Times New Roman, normal, 12 punto.
  • All paragraphs are centered and do not use paragraph indentation.
  • Table titles must be centered on table. (Table 1: Table title)
  • Figures titles must be centered under figures. (Figure 1: Figure title)


Abstract :The abstract should be limited to 250 words and include the aim of the paper, general materials and methods, summarized results, and the conclusions. It should be a brief summary of the study.
Aim :This section should explain the aim of the study and  give  enough information about the  specific objectives and expected results.
Method:The model of the study, the procedures of sampling ,the design and methods of gathering data and type of control and data analising procedures should be explained. Methods section should be detailed and clear enough.
Findings:Here tables and figures to display summarized data and the gained or expected results are presented. 
Results And Suggestions: In this section results and key points of the study should be summarized and recommendations for future research and applications  should be included.
Practical Implications (If Aplicable ):
Social İmpacts (If Aplicable):
Key Words: 

The key words (3 to 6) should be added. Times New Roman 12 pt Italic

Abstract :The abstract should be limited to 250 words and include the aim of the paper, general materials and methods, summarized results, and the conclusions. It should be a brief summary of the study.
Aim :This section should explain the aim of the study and  give  enough information about the  specific objectives and expected results.
Method:The model of the study, the procedures of sampling ,the design and methods of gathering data and type of control and data analising procedures should be explained. Methods section should be detailed and clear enough.
Findings:Here tables and figures to display summarized data and the gained or expected results are presented. 
Results And Suggestions: In this section results and key points of the study should be summarized and recommendations for future research and applications  should be included.
Practical Implications (If Aplicable ):
Social İmpacts (If Aplicable):
Key Words: 

The key words (3 to 6) should be added. Times New Roman 12 pt Italic

© IX. Mediterrenean Tourism Symposium 2 Adam Software and Technology